

Design a Cord



Coding Interview Question: Design a Cord


A cord is a tree that store parts from a large string. It has 2 types of nodes: the leaf node contain the actual string content while he internal, in additional to 2 children, stores the total length of the 2 string represented by its 2 children. You could assume the internal node always has 2 children.

Question 1: Design the data structure in code.
Question 2: Given an index n and a length l, returns a string that represents the substring from [n, n+l) of the original string represented by the Cord tree.
Question 3: Given an index n and a length l, Delete the substring [n, n+l) from the Cord tree.


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  class LeafNode:
    def __init__(self, string):
      self.string = string
      self.length = len(string)
  class InternalNode:
    def __init__(self, left, right):
      self.length = 0
      self.left = left
      if left:
        self.length += left.length
      self.right = right
      if right:
        self.length += right.length

  def getSlice(root, n, l):
    if isinstance(root, LeafNode):
      return root.string[n:n + l]
    if n + l <= root.left.length:
      return getSlice(root.left, n, l)
    elsf n >= root.left.length:
      return getSlice(root.right, n - root.left.length, l)
      left_slice = getSlice(root.left, n, root.left.length - n)
      return left_slice + getSlice(root.right, 0, l - len(left_slice))

  def deleteSlice(root, n, l):
    if isinstance(root, LeftNode):
      root.string = root.string[:n] + root.string[n+l:]
      root.length = len(root.string)
    if n + l <= root.left.length:
      deleteSlice(root.left, n, l)
      root.length = root.left.length + root.right.length
    if n >= root.left.length:
      deleteSlice(root.right, n - root.left.length, l)
      root.length = root.left.length + root.right.length
    original_left_length = root.left.length
    deleteSlice(root.left, n, root.left.length - n)
    deleted_left_length = original_left_length - root.left.length
    deleteSlice(root.right, 0, l - deleted_left_length)
    root.length = root.left.length + root.right.length


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