Design a Stock Tracker
Coding Interview Question: Design a Stock Tracker
Design a stock tracker which have the following core functionalities:
- Can show the highest, lowest, most recent price of a stock.
- Can log an entry of (timestamp, price).
- Can drop the price previously associated with a given timestamp.
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from sortedcontainers import SortedDict, SortedList
class StockTracker(object):
def __init__(self):
self._ts_to_price = SortedDict()
self._prices = SortedList()
def highestPrice(self):
return self._prices[-1]
def lowestPrice(self):
return self._prices[0]
def mostRecentPrice(self):
return self._ts_to_price.peekitem()[1]
def log(self, timestamp, price):
self._ts_to_price[timestamp] = price
def drop(self, timestamp):
old_price = self._ts_to_price.pop(timestamp)
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